It happened after I blogged on Saturday. I was swatching away for the Ink cardigan (please excuse the lack of links this post, I am blogging on the move again) and my eye fell across a copy of Brave New Knits that my friend lent me. So I idly flicked through to The Orchid Thief, which has been in my queue forever and is beautiful and by Ysolda. Then I casually went across to my stash, and I lazily picked up some yarn.
The next thing I knew this had happened:
The yarn is more burgundy than this photo shows. But I am now nearly done with the repeats of chart 3, with only (only! Ha! We all know that's where the yardage is) the edging to go. And I love it.
So I acknowledged my slip and promised myself I would finish the socks. This happened yesterday.
They don't quite match but considering I didn't try to make them match, it's not bad. This is the fifth pair of socks that I have made for him indoors, and I feel we have reached a point where he is very understanding about my desperate need for more yarn when he is gifted socks fairly regularly. It's a compromise I can certainly live with.
But on the train I hadn't any other knitting with me, and so I knit a couple of little mitred squares.
I am so utterly charmed by them. Absurdly charmed. So I plan to knit more, and in a good few years will hopefully have a sock yarn blanket. Eventually. I am not being unrealistic about the fact that this will take forever.
But I still needed some train knitting.
Yes. More socks. Yarndale is coming up, and I think more socks will help smooth that along rather nicely. Links to yarn and pattern next post. No one is going to look at this picture and go 'wow, best pattern ever, what on earth is it?' Principally because you can't see the pattern yet. It's a toe.
When I get back (I am away for three days at a wedding) I will need to cast on a shawl for a sample I am knitting (more details later) and I do want to actually cast on for Ink. A friend and I have agreed to do a KAL for it. So if there is time, I should at least aim to finish The Orchid Thief before I cast anything else on.
What are the chances?