Monday, 8 July 2013

Thoughts on stash

I wonder sometimes if other people (and by this I mean knitters, crocheters and spinners) spend as much time thinking of their stash as I do.

Some days I look at the stash and I think "gosh, that's a lovely lot of yarn" - I have enough yarn that I can make lots of socks. I have at least three sweater quantities of yarn. I can make loads of things with the stash I currently have.

But every now and then (sometimes after looking at pictures of other people's stash on ravelry, or spending time with a friend who has a lot more yarn than I do) I get a vague feeling of panic at the stash not being enough.

It's a silly thought. I could knit quite happily from stash for probably 18 months. Maybe two years. Possibly more. That, by no stretch of the imagination, is "not enough yarn". And in the stash are some beautiful things. I have yarn from a llama. I have hand dyed yarn. I have yarn with cashmere, and yarn with alpaca.
On the other hand, the stash fits into one small bookcase with overflow into a small basket next to the fireplace. I am not one of those people whose stash sort of leaks into other areas of the house.

It occurs to me that instead of justifying that I need more yarn because of some worrisome sheep-disease that will soon mean there is no more wool (yes, I do worry about this), that perhaps at some point soon I need to sort through the stash and remember that there is a lot of yarn there.

And not a lot of fluff, but certainly some.

I think also I need to stop comparing my stash to other people's in some kind of absurd "whose is bigger" game. I like my stash. On bad days there is just enough to build a decent yarn fort, and really, what more can a knitter ask for?

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