Friday, 28 February 2014


I have a half day today at work.
To me this means an afternoon of going to the gym, doing some housework and knitting.

At the moment when I have a long stretch of knitting time, the only thing to work on is the wedding shawl.

I've posted this picture before, but it's the one I have right now
I am on row 14 of border chart 2, meaning there are 2 more beaded rows, and less than 20 rows until I finish the shawl. That doesn't sound like much, but there are a huge number of stitches in each row, so it's not a quick job.

As with so many projects, when the end is in sight I want to knit this all the time, and I want it to be done NOW.

Ben and I are taking a road trip tomorrow, and we have friends over on Sunday evening, so the chances of finishing the shawl this weekend are not large. But in my brain, there is hope. I don't know why I'm in such a rush to finish this - there is plenty of time before the wedding. I think perhaps because I have a lot of self imposed rules about what I can knit and what I can cast on until this is done. Once it's done I won't worry that it won't be done in time, either.

So, happy Friday everyone. I hope you get lots of crafting time this weekend.

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